Avant Garde

Classy Generation

With Jessie Black

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris imperdiet pretium nibh at aliquam. Cras vestibulum magna vel ante tristique commodo.

Maecenas hendrerit dolor sed lectus consectetur eleifend at ac lorem. Duis nisl neque, molestie in suscipit quis, dapibus eu massa. Nam ut sapien ultricies, porttitor erat a, sagittis sapien. Vestibulum tempor tempus convallis.

Integer volutpat nunc in orci tincidunt tincidunt et eget nisi. Aliquam est mauris, scelerisque ut purus ut, fermentum feugiat nisl. Suspendisse placerat interdum faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Fusce pulvinar purus id urna pellentesque tempor. Nunc felis odio, lobortis nec diam sed, feugiat tempus ante. Proin rutrum eros sed malesuada tristique. Sed a sodales dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In neque mi, mattis a commodo nec, malesuada ut nibh.


Classy Generation

Brad Goehl

I proudly own and operate 103.5 The X in Brownwood, Texas, where I bring my love for rock music to our local community.

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At 103.5 The X, we believe in the power of rock music to energize, inspire, and connect. Whether you’re rocking out in your car, at work, or at home, we provide the perfect soundtrack for every moment of your day.


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